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Monday, October 31, 2011

Bukit Kepong Visited -30/10/2011

On 30/10/2011,30 members from Community Policing Taman Bukit Indah with 4 anggota polis from balai polis Bukit Indah in a chartered bus to Balai Bukit Kepong.

On reaching we were told by the sargent in charge that the ketua polis daerah Muar,Tuan ACP Nasir had rung earlier to inform him of our visit.

We were guided around the museum and was briefed on the tragedy which happened in 23-02-1950.

We learnt alot about the sacrifices of lives of the fallen heroes and their families to defend our country.We saluted to them.

We openly announced our unconditional and undivided support to PDRM.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Visiting Bukit Kepong

30/10/2011 CP Bukit Indah shall visit Bukit Kepong with a 50 members delegation.

Our main aim is to create awareness of the sacrifice of our fallen hearoes in Bukit Kepong-23/02/1950.

We also want to give our unconditional and undivided support to PDRM.

Motivation meeting

19/10/2011 CPBI having motivational meeting with indian CP members,35 members turned up.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Happy and Blessed Deepavali 2011

Community Policing Taman Bukit mengucapkan Selamat Hari Deepavali kepada semua

orang berugama hindu.

CPBI in meeting

Pada 19/10/2011 CP Bukit Indah mengadakan satu mesyaurat ahli india di balai polis .

Monday, October 17, 2011

CPBI di Mes Pegawai kanan PDRM Johor bersama Dato' KP Johor

Pada 15/10/2011,Community Policing Taman Bukit Indah di jemput oleh Dato' Ketua Polis Johor Dato' Mokthar Haji Sharrif untuk ke majlis makan di Mes Pegawai Kanan PDRM Johor.

CP Bukit Indah di ketuai oleh Yap bersama 15 ahli menghadiri majlis tersebut.

Kami dapat perluang bermakan malam bersama Dato KP,Dato'Mokthar Haji Shariff,Tim Dato'KPDato Ismail Yatim,,Dato'Ramli pengarah Jabatan Khas ,ACP Abd Aziz Ahmad,semua OCPD Johor dan ramai lagi pegawai kanan PDRM Johor.

Dalam ucapan Dato' KP Johor,CP Bukit Indah di puji dan di galakkan berterus berkerjasama dengan PDRM.